Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello and Welcome: in which we are introduced and a team begins

Hi everyone! This is your fearless leader Sarah-Lambert Cook of TuckooandMooCow. Although I'm calling myself the leader I really don't intend to be seen that way too much in the future. What I am hoping for in building this team with you is to create a space where sellers on Etsy who are serious about becoming a business can learn and grow and become just that: a business.

Turning your hobby, craft, or art into a full time job is more than a lot of work, it is a ton of work and can be extremely intimidating to do by yourself. Your conversation with yourself may be going something like this:

Yes, I would love to be self-employed, but what about taking care of the kids? How will I pay for advertising while I'm beginning with very little? Do I even need to pay for advertising or is social media better for me? What the heck is a "target market" and how am I supposed to find that online? How do I show up in Google? How do I get more views to my shop?

What I would like to do is create a team where members help answer these questions for you and more. Got a question we can't answer? Well, then we're here to help keep you going, to encourage you, and to be the crutch when you need it.

What I hope we can offer as a team in the future are How-Tos here on the blog, featured sellers, team competitions, giveaways, and business advice. I'd like to offer workshops given by myself, other team members, and possibly outside artisans on different ways to improve our businesses through tweaks in shops, social media, advertising and more.

Building a business is hard enough. Let's not make it harder by trying to do it all by ourselves. Let's work together!


  1. The blog looks great!
    It can be incredibly overwhelming to run an etsy shop by yourself. I am so excited to be a part of this team.

  2. Looks adorable! Great start! :)


  3. Just found you through twitter. This looks pretty cool. How do I join? My shop is at üniimi though (I don't use Etsy anymore). Is that OK? I looooove üniimi! :D uniimi.com/coxsoncreativearts
